June Cyber Camp Spark themes:
Week 1: V1D Pokemon Science & Atomic Comics
Week 2: V2D Galactic Rebels & Minecraft Camp
Week 3: V3D Hollywood Science & Veterinary Science
Week 4: V4D Biology Blast & Go Code Gamers
We are excited about our virtual camp sessions. We are working on possibly lining up presenters and a virtual tour of the animal shelter.
Cyber Camp Spark will be the same fun and interactive camp experience from the safety of your home or office. MoLab will provide all the materials, educator, and two daily snacks. The schedule will be the same with activities from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. with two snack breaks and a lunch hour. Supply pick up will be at Saint Paul’s the Friday before a session begins from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The middle school session of Digital Photography has been rescheduled for the week of July 6 – 10 at Cornerstone. If your camper is currently enrolled in this session, please let us know if the new date works for your schedule. Additionally, Wacky Water Wonders for PreK-1 has been cancelled.
Other than the changes above, the July and August camp schedule remains unchanged. These sessions will be live. We are limiting our capacity to 9 campers per session. If a session is full, please contact Aimee Hills at aimee@tallymolab.org to be placed on a waiting list. We are finalizing our COVID-19 camp procedures. These safety changes and policies will be available on the website soon. As mandates regarding COVID-19 change we will adjust our policies.
In the case sessions have to be postponed or canceled due to COVID-19, by either the client or MoLab Inc., the non-refundable processing fee will be reduced from $35 to $10 per session to cover unavoidable processing costs.
For your online payment convenience – please use the below PayPal buttons and drop down menus. You have the option of paying in FULL or paying the 2020 Reduced Non-Refundable Deposit of $10 per camp session. You will also see an option to purchase a Camp Spark T-Shirt. Please use the V codes above to register for the June Virtual Camps.
Camp Forms – please download, save, and email when completed:
FILLABLE Summer Camp Spark Guide & Registration Form 2020 UPDATED
Thank you for your understanding and trust in MoLab. We miss our MoFamilies and look forward to seeing you soon at supply pick up! Stay safe!