As MoLab grows, so do the needs of the organization. As a not-for-profit corporation, the Founders of MoLab are constantly assessing the financial situation of the institution to ensure funds are appropriately directed to further MoLab’s mission. MoLab seeks to partner with entities on a mutually beneficial basis through sponsorship opportunities. There are many ways a sponsoring organization can become involved.
MoLab seeks sponsorships to help offset costs associated with furthering MoLab’s mission. These sponsorships will include, but are not limited to, assisting MoLab in updating programmatic supplies and scientific equipment, and assisting with MoBus supplies and needs.
MoLab has identified costs associated with each sponsorship as well as created recognition packages for sponsoring firms. Anyone interested should contact Trish A. Hanson at 850.264.6224 or
Please click on this link MoLab’s Funding Priorities & Needs if you are interested in learning more!
Want to Get Involved?
Please click to download a Donation Card to see costs associated with specific needs and to consider supporting MoLab!
We are interested in meeting with anyone to discuss partnerships that will help further MoLab’s mission.
Thank you in advance for your support, every contribution is greatly appreciated. Help us excite the future innovators of tomorrow!