Mobilizing Science Education

Indiegogo Campaign Launch: Help MoLab Get Its MoBus On The Road!

Microscopy Station

Microscopy Station

We are proud to announce that our Indiegogo Campaign to Help MoLab Get Its MoBus On The Road has launched!

Please visit this link to read our story, watch the video, and view photos of what MoBus will become:

The goal of this 40-day campaign is to raise $70,000 to help retrofit & transform our RV into a mobile science & technology lab.

Please consider giving what you can – no amount is too small and every donation is appreciated! All donations are tax-deductible.

It only takes 700 people donating $100 each to get us to our goal!

Please share with everyone you know and ask them to share with everyone they know.

Help us with this important endeavor – one that can positively affect the lives of so many! Please consider making MoLab part of your end-of-year gift.



1700 N Monroe St
Suite 11-223
Tallahassee, FL 32303