Mobilizing Science Education

Indiegogo Update!

Microscopy Station

Microscopy Station

Indiegogo Update!
THANK YOU to all who donated to MoLab’s Indiegogo Campaign to Help Get MoBus On The Road!

The 40-day campaign raised $8,040. This amount will certainly help us get started on the retrofit process. Thank you to Independent Green Technologies for giving MoBus a sheltered home during this time and thank you to the Making Awesome folks for their interest, expertise, and willingness to help with the retrofit transformation! Funds will continue to be raised as we get closer and closer to reaching our goal. If anyone is interested in assisting MoLab with this process, please contact us. We welcome your support!

Indiegogo Supporters – WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!

Thank You Impact Visual Media!
A great huge THANK YOU to the team at Impact Visual Media , a subsidiary of Chucha Barber Productions, for the amazing video that was shot and produced for our Indiegogo Campaign. We cannot thank you enough for your valuable time and expertise!


1700 N Monroe St
Suite 11-223
Tallahassee, FL 32303