Campers and their families will be administered a health questionnaire and have their temperature taken with a touchless thermometer at sign-in. Before attending camp, each camper family must have a signed COVID-19 Release & Waiver of Liability on file.
In accordance with recommendations from the CDC for summer camps, staff and campers will wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing guidelines at all times. We will take mask breaks throughout the day, outside, while physically distanced. Campers are encouraged to pack extra masks each day in case one needs to be changed out.
Camp spaces will be restricted to staff and campers only. Each classroom will have a reduced capacity of up to 12 campers, 1 teacher, and a volunteer. MoLab will maintain a record on individuals who have had access to the space during camp hours, i.e. custodians, staff, volunteers, CITs, staff of the organizations from which MoLab rents space. When possible, each group of campers will enter and exit the building through different specified doors.
Restrooms will be cleaned throughout the day and surfaces will be disinfected regularly. Campers, staff, and volunteers will practice good hygiene and frequent hand washing.
In addition to packing their own food, campers will bring a labeled bag of general supply materials. A list will be provided prior to attendance and will include items like markers, pencils, scissors, etc. If a camper is unable to bring their own bag of general supplies, MoLab will provide a disinfected set to use for the week. Campers should bring their own free time toys and entertainment.
Please know that we are taking all the necessary actions and requirements to keep our camp sessions safe and fun!
As mandates regarding COVID-19 change we will adjust our policies.